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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friend . . .


I believe there will be a lot of situation when we need to be parted with our beloved friend. The last day, last moment, or last . . . how should I put his, last time to see their face, the memory with them will be played like a movie, which is I hope is not something like The Avengers. All those beautiful words like "don't forget me", "keep in touch", "friends forever" . . . yada yada yada "*fill your own sentence*  . . . will said during those touching moments.

But, how many of us still holding into those words? I'm wondering. I've been facing this a lot, but too bad, not many of it last long. Yeah we do contact, but . . . yeah . . . we keep in touch, but . . erm . . yeah . . . friends forever . . . errr . . . . ok no comment.

Some of you must been wondering what's the point I'm writing all of this. Is it because I'm in fight my old friends? No, so far thank God no. Suddenly I just though of some of them. Friends from primary school, boarding school, secondary school and university. Just feel funny coz you know what? The beauty of this relationship is, the one that never said those words, is the one that always stick with you and contact you, whether you like it or not. LoL

I'm happy with my life. I still contact with my primary school friends, even tho not many of them. Thanks to Facebook, at least I know what they've been up to. I still contact with my boarding school friends, my secondary school friends. In fact, last year I managed to go to my best friend wedding! We're same age and he already build his own life with his beloved wife! How cool is that?! While I'm still stuck finding the purpose of me in this world. Haha

How bout my university friend? The thing that makes me happy is almost all of them went to the same company with me! I've got some working at Kerteh, at Kota Kinabalu, in Miri and most of them at Kuala Lumpur. You can say it cover all over Malaysia! (well, at least the places where I will most probably go for a meeting).

Now I've been busy making up new friends in Miri. I tried to know more people, if can, not from my own university. Because people from my university, kind of have their pattern that I can recognized. How to explain this, something like "aah, must be from UTP" or "definitely UTP guy" or "please don't tell me we're same university, oh shit we are!". It's fine it's cool but you can say a lil bit boring. LoL

I don't even know what the heck am I typing for the past 20 minutes. I suddenly feel I want to update my blog, and suddenly this topic come to my mind. The weird part of becoming a human I guess? Duh!

I will, and hopefully will, or in fact, MUST! I mean, I will go to South Korea in the next 2 weeks. I hope my boss approve my leave, and I will have enough money to shopping there before that. Must save a lot from this month salary, spend all there and come back like a boss . . . and live like a homeless guy before next month salary. Hahahaha!



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