I've heard this a lot . . .
*be serious?
*can you be a little bit serious?
*you're aren't serious right?
*just 1 minute! only 1 minute focus and be serious!
Can I??
Well . . . nope! Hahahahaha!!
This is how I live my life *Rihanna song's mood~!
It just hard for me to do that. I know I know you all got point.
*You think management will see you as a future leader? While you're always like a kid?
*You think you can get her? She thought you like her little brother, or some weird guys!
*They'll listen to you? You're more like their subordinate you know?
Yada yada yada~!
I think, my maturity time will come soon. But not now, not this year, I'll always stuck in 19 years old age *not to mentioned my . . uhuk uhuk young face :P
I think my bosses all has given up on me, to discuss bout serious matter. Maybe they bring me into the meeting room as a clown to cheer to mood? I don't know, I just feel like that . . .
Oh heck . . . I'm gaining lot of people trust. Meets lot of wonderful people. Work still on my table. They still send me for engagement with client. Still can hangout with the person that I like.
So I guess I'm on the right track afterall?
OK seriously I have no idea what the hell I'm writing about . . . I just feel want to update my blog. Sorry I can't write more awesome thing, or with better English or grammar.
But I don't think my sorry apply to anyone, no one read this after all. My bad coz lazy to update this blog, time to time hahaha~!