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Friday, October 16, 2009

CraZy PresenTaTion!!!

Annyeong ~!

Show you how we internship student do our presentation~!


aha~! gotcha!

Ok not that picture, that one simply want to interframe for awhile. But hey ~! This is my blog afterall >_<

Ok back to teh story . . . eh typo error, it shud be "the" story. Wat "teh"? We're not going to offer drink here ok? :D Some of you might be a driver that going to drive back home after this so cannot drink and drunk here ~! Ok i know it is lame but who care afterall :P

So back again to the story, I will show you on how . . . how what?

How internship student at MAS doing their presentation? . . . .hmphh ? ? ? ? ?

Location: Must be a very big place.
Equipment: Microphone of coz!

Huh? Others intern at other places did'nt use any mic? Well their company got aeroplane meh? No kan? So shuh shuh don't interrupt my story grrrrrrr . . . Ok easy to understand, I just show you the picture. Picture desribe 1000 words and one of the word is "crap". So enjoy ~!

"Ok let's start the presentation ~! . . ." very nervous that time
My frenz also was soooooo nervous that time . . .

so so so?

since so nervous . .shud do wat? hmphhhhh


O Yeah ~!

and this fella following me as well~!

Hahahaha ok that is just a fun activity that we do during our lunch time at Malaysia Airlines Academy :D

Some of you might be curios on how my family look alike? tada ~! latest family photo :D



~fangfang~ said...

haha. u hav 3 brothers? tot only 1 younger bro. d other 2 are older than u?

shinda88 said...

-_-" hey im the eldest son okie? haiyoo . .

Beelzenef said...

seriously alif anak pertama?

shinda88 said...

-_-" another one . . hey really ler anak pertama . . aiyoo the others all my little brothers . . .

Mei Le said...

aliff, your lil brother looks a lot like you. the one at the left most. but you have the best hair style. :) hey, your parents have 4 sons. my parents have 4 daughters.

Unknown said...

Hhhaahha this post really fun to read..good job lame da pic u singing one dam cool hahehahea

shinda88 said...

Hehehe fun right? Well Im not being lame without reason muahahahaha . . at least must know how to write lame post! :D


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